Book chapters
1. Materials science of defects in GaAs-based semiconductor lasers |
2. Reliability of lasers on silicon substrates for silicon photonics |
Peer-reviewed journal articles
In the works
Epitaxial PbGeSe thin films and their photoluminescence in the mid-wave infrared | |
A strongly interacting, two-dimensional, dipolar spin ensemble in (111)-oriented diamond |
53. Engineering PbSnSe Heterostructures for Luminescence Out to 8 µm at Room Temperature | |
52. Expanded Stability of Layered SnSe-PbSe Alloys and Evidence of Displacive Phase Transformation from Rocksalt in Heteroepitaxial Thin Films | |
51. Role of Oxygen in Laser Induced Contamination at Diamond-Vacuum Interfaces | |
50. Multi-microscopy characterization of threading dislocations in CVD-grown diamond films | |
49. Gradual degradation in InAs quantum dot lasers on Si and GaAs | |
48. Sputtered SnTe thin films on Si and Ge as a plasmonic material |
47. Mid-wave infrared photoluminescence from low-temperature-grown PbSe epitaxial films on GaAs after rapid thermal annealing | |
46. Dislocation-Induced Structural and Luminescence Degradation in InAs Quantum Dot Emitters on Silicon | |
45. Two-dimensional spin systems in PECVD-grown diamond with tunable density and long coherence for enhanced quantum sensing and simulation | |
44. Versatile strain relief pathways in epitaxial films of (001)-oriented PbSe on III-V substrates | |
43. Direct integration of GaSb with GaAs(111)A using interfacial misfit arrays |
42. Dislocation formation and filtering in III-V regrowth on GaAs bonded on Si |
41. Epitaxial integration and defect structure of layered-SnSe films on PbSe/III-V templates |
40. Optically-thick GaInAs/GaAsP strain-balanced quantum-well tandem solar cells with 29.2% efficiency under the AM0 space spectrum |
39. Bright mid-infrared photoluminescence from high dislocation density epitaxial PbSe films on GaAs |
38. Kinetically limited misfit dislocations formed during post-growth cooling in III-V lasers on silicon |
37. Perspective on advances in quantum dot lasers and integration with Si photonic integrated circuits |
36. Pipe-diffusion-enriched dislocations and interfaces in SnSe/PbSe heterostructures |
35. Reduced dislocation growth leads to long lifetime InAs quantum dot lasers on silicon at high temperatures |
34. High-temperature reliable quantum-dot lasers on Si with misfit and threading dislocation filters |
33. Interface structure and luminescence properties of epitaxial PbSe films on InAs (111)A |
32. Ferroelastic Hysteresis in Thin Films of Methylammonium Lead Iodide |
31. A pathway to thin GaAs virtual substrate on on-axis Si (001) with ultralow threading dislocation density |
30. Controlling Facets and Defects of InP Nanostructures in Confined Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth |
29. Engineering quantum-coherent defects: the role of substrate miscut in chemical vapor deposition diamond growth |
28. Defect Filtering for Thermal Expansion Induced Dislocations in III-V Lasers on Silicon |
27. Recombination-enhanced dislocation climb in InAs quantum dot lasers on silicon |
26. Nucleation control and interface structure of rocksalt PbSe on (001) zincblende III-V surfaces |
25. Growth and Magnetotransport in Thin Film α-Sn on CdTe |
24. Glide of threading dislocations in (In)AlGaAs on Si induced by carrier recombination: Characteristics, mitigation, and filtering |
23. Development of Lattice-Mismatched GaInAsP for Radiation Hardness |
22. III/V-on-Si MQW lasers by using a novel photonic integration method of regrowth on a bonding template |
21. Non-radiative recombination at dislocations in InAs quantum dots grown on silicon |
20. Phase Stability and Diffusion in Lateral Heterostructures of Methyl Ammonium Lead Halide Perovskites |
19. Defects in Cd3As2 Epilayers Via Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Strategies for Reducing Them |
18. Fast diffusion and segregation along threading dislocations in semiconductor heterostructures |
17. Anomalous tilting in InGaAs graded buffers from dislocation sources at wafer edges |
16. Contribution of top barrier materials to high mobility in near-surface InAs quantum wells grown on GaSb(001) |
15. Recent Advances in InAs Quantum Dot Lasers Grown on On-Axis (001) Silicon by Molecular Beam Epitaxy |
14. Direct observation of recombination-enhanced dislocation glide in heteroepitaxial GaAs on silicon |
13. Recombination activity of threading dislocations in GaInP influenced by growth temperature |
12. Low threading dislocation density GaAs growth on on-axis GaP/Si (001) |
Before starting the Mukherjee Group
11. Rapid imaging of misfit dislocations in SiGe/Si in cross-section and through oxide layers using electron channeling contrast
K. Mukherjee, B.A. Wacaser, S.W. Bedell, D.K. Sadana, Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017) 232101
10. Praseodymium Cuprate Thin Film Cathodes for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Roles of Doping, Orientation, and Crystal Structure
K. Mukherjee, Y. Hayamizu, C.S. Kim, L.M. Kolchina, G.N. Mazo, S.Y. Istomin, S.R. Bishop, H.L. Tuller, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8 (2016) 34295–34302
9. Direct-Gap 2.1-2.2 eV AlInP Solar Cells on GaInAs/GaAs Metamorphic Buffers
M. Vaisman, K. Mukherjee, T. Masuda, K.N. Yaung, E.A. Fitzgerald, M.L. Lee, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (2016) 571–577
8. Spontaneous lateral phase separation of AlInP during thin film growth and its effect on luminescence
K. Mukherjee, A.G. Norman, A.J. Akey, T. Buonassisi, E.A. Fitzgerald, Journal of Applied Physics 118 (2015) 115306
7. Improved photoluminescence characteristics of order-disorder AlGaInP quantum wells at room and elevated temperatures
K. Mukherjee, P.B. Deotare, E.A. Fitzgerald, Applied Physics Letters 106 (2015) 142109
6. Effects of dislocation strain on the epitaxy of lattice-mismatched AlGaInP layers
K. Mukherjee, D.A. Beaton, A. Mascarenhas, M.T. Bulsara, E.A. Fitzgerald, Journal of Crystal Growth 392 (2014) 74–80
5. Silicon CMOS Ohmic Contact Technology for Contacting III-V Compound Materials
N.Y. Pacella, K. Mukherjee, M.T. Bulsara, E.A. Fitzgerald, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 2 (2013) P324–P331
4. Determination of the direct to indirect bandgap transition composition in AlxIn1−xP
D.A. Beaton, T. Christian, K. Alberi, A. Mascarenhas, K. Mukherjee, E.A. Fitzgerald, Journal of Applied Physics 114 (2013) 203504
3. Amber-green light emitting diodes using order-disorder AlxIn1-xP heterostructures
T. Christian, D. A. Beaton, K. Mukherjee, K. Alberi, E. A. Fitzgerald, A. Mascarenhas, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 074505 (2013)
2. Growth, microstructure, and luminescent properties of direct-bandgap InAlP on relaxed InGaAs on GaAs substrates
K. Mukherjee, D.A. Beaton, T. Christian, E.J. Jones, K. Alberi, A. Mascarenhas, M.T. Bulsara, E.A. Fitzgerald, Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013) 183518
1. Electron transport in electrospun TiO2 nanofiber dye-sensitized solar cells
K. Mukherjee, T. Teng, R. Jose, and S. Ramakrishna, Applied Physics Letters 95 (1), 012101 (2009)
Issued Patents
J. P. de Souza, Y. S. Lee, K. Mukherjee, and D. K. Sadana, “United States Patent: 10,581,109- Fabrication method of all solid-state thin film battery”, 3-Mar-2020.
S. W. Bedell, C.-W. Cheng, K. Mukherjee, J. A. Ott, D. K. Sadana, and B. A. Wacaser, “United States Patent: 10,460,937 - Post-growth heteroepitaxial layer separation for defect reduction in heteroeptaxial films”, 29-Oct-2019.
S. W. Bedell, K. Mukherjee, J. A. Ott, D. K. Sadana, and B. A. Wacaser, “United States Patent: 10,127,649 - Electron channeling pattern acquisition from small crystalline areas”, 13-Nov-2018.
N. Li, Q. Li, K. Mukherjee, D. K. Sadana, and G. G. Shahidi, “United States Patent: 10,043,941 – Light emitting diode having improved quantum efficiency at low injection current”, 07-Aug-2018.
J. P. de Souza, Y. S. Lee, K. Mukherjee, and D. K. Sadana, “United States Patent: 9,984,949 – Surface passivation having reduced interface defect density”, 29-May-2018.
S. W. Bedell, K. Mukherjee, J. A. Ott, D. K. Sadana, and B. A. Wacaser, “United States Patent: 9,859,091- Automatic alignment for high throughput electron channeling contrast imaging”, 02-Jan-2018.
S. W. Bedell, K. Mukherjee, J. A. Ott, D. K. Sadana, and B. A. Wacaser, “United States Patent: 9,741,532 - Multi-beam electron microscope for electron channeling contrast imaging of semiconductor material”, 22-Aug-2017.
S. W. Bedell, R. T. Mo, K. Mukherjee, J. A. Ott, D. K. Sadana, and B. A. Wacaser, “United States Patent: 9,739,728 - Automatic defect detection and classification for high throughput electron channeling contrast imaging”, 22-Aug-2017.